Thursday, 4 November 2010

insulated birds nest story.

ballyannan forest, middleton. Cork.

Whilst walking through these woods that run alongside an estuary, I found this birds nest that had dropped from the threes onto the stony shoreline... not too far from where the nest had fallen was a pile of thrown away/washed up housing insulation. The bird that owned the nest had used this material to line her nest.

Looking back through my images, I realised that over the years of walking in these woods i had photographed this pile of material on every visit without thinking about the potential consequences of the material. The idea that this bird had used a man-made material to keep its eggs and herself warm as she incubated, it became a strange outcome for a material that was thoughtlessly dumped. Just as the woods reclaimed the walls of old buildings then the birds would use what we wasted.

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